"Sleeping House"

"Sleeping House"


Project Release Date 03.12.2020

The exhibition of archival photos by photographer Ivan Karpov in the windows of the 120-year-old "Tenement House with Dragons" is dedicated to the birthday of Hryhoriy Skovoroda.

On the birthday of Hryhorii Skovoroda, the facade of the 120-year-old abandoned building turned into a gallery.

A large portrait of Hryhoriy Skovoroda (provided by the National Literary and Memorial Museum of H.S. Skovoroda) and archival photos of Ukrainian photographer Ivan Karpov (provided by the Shostky Local History Museum) were integrated into the windows of the tenement house. In the photos, you can see Ukrainians in national clothes, and their eyes are closed with the help of computer graphics.

This image references Skovoroda's philosophy and interprets the modern world as sleeping in an unawakened sleep. We are quickly drifting away from reality and immersed in hypertextual webs created by digital media and pervasive advertising. image_1


The project aims to raise society's and authorities' awareness of the decline of valuable buildings and popularize the history of Ukrainian photography.

The "Sleeping House" exhibition was created as part of the "Looking into the Windows" project. The Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers (UAPP) prepared the installation in cooperation with the Renovation Map.

Mounted in 2020, the exhibition still adorns the windows of the "Tenement House with Dragons." image_2image_3